Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Assault Trooper test print

Here are some shots of an Assault Trooper, warts and all. I did not spend much time cleaning up the print because it was not going to be used as a master, just to test fit components such as the shoulders, tasset and tabard; so there are some very rough spots on the outside of the shoulders, the sword blade edge and a few other places where the build lattice was attached.

The Heavy troopers are scaled to be a good match with the Stormtroopers. About 1mm taller than the Stormtroopers (some shrink can be seen in the print), and a bit more bulk overall. Keep in mind when comparing to other mini lines, the Stormtroopers will be on the tall side, so although these may look a little small, they are large enough to look like steal the milk money from many of the other popular mini companies lines and small enough to look like Eisenkern Stormtrooper sized person could actually fit into the suit. 
WGF China informed me that they are making progress with the Heavy Troopers so it seemed appropriate to post this. Enjoy! 


  1. He's great! Thanks for the pics, really looking forward to this squad.

  2. Kinda sorry I didn't grab some of these now! There's always retail though...
