Tuesday, August 28, 2018

Platic Crack?

Here is a little something I have been waiting on for a bit over six months…. A proof of concept in plastic from another manufacturer.

I am stoked! The quality looks good, the price is right and the turn around time will be good. So why did it take six months then? Because it was free, a test mold and test shots arranged by my old account manager at WGF who has struck out on his own. He asked if I could send him the original files to split and use as a non-retail sample to show other clients. I agreed and after some waiting they arrived! This is only two of the five pose options... As a free test mold we were limited to a single sprue.

No doubt Wai Kee and the old WGF makes incredible plastic, but his shop is always jammed with production, this makes it pretty much impossible for me to look at that as a viable resource for future production or Kickstarter’s. I had my doubts that anyone could get close, but I am reeealllly happy with these shots, and as this opens up the door again I am eyeing another Kickstarter.

I am still pulling together all the costs and if it appears to be a real option, I am more than happy to give it a go. This time would be FAR more focused. One kit at a time, with true costs, the molds and production would need to be funded in full for that ‘episode’? But if it works, another would be on the heals of the last… Ferals? then StuG? then Shadokesh vehicle or walker… then whatever sounds fun.

With this kind of Kickstarter there would be a very focused goal, drive and costs… We are not so much looking at the typical song and dance hype train. The product would make it or not on its own merits, and cover its true costs.

Soooo what do you think?

Would you like to know more?


  1. Awesome! Looking good Mark! Can't wait for the next KS :)

  2. Yea this does look pretty wicked I have to say.

  3. In for the kickstarter, love these shadowkesh, and a StuG or 2 are calling my name.

  4. Interesting background and a nice model. I noticed a few typos and one big mistake in your background linked above. At the start you say the Shadokesh arrived in the Milky Way 6000 years ago, but at the end of the first paragraph on the page about the Ferals you say they arrived 2000 years ago and were 6000 light years from Earth. Hope this helps.
